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  • Documents Available for Serious Inquiries

  • Items that Accompany the Sale

  • Our moving out plans.

  • Listing Price Justifications

179 Brewer Road,   Robbinston, Maine 

   Documents available upon request for serious inquiries:

  • Tax Map

  • Google Maps approximate boundaries map (official survey & deed soon)

  • Recent Expenditures and Additional Values

  • 2019 tax bill:   $1,134.27

  • Home Inspection “Highlights / Mitigations"

  • H20 testing results + Radon H20 and Radon air testing results

  • Oil tank inspection results

  • Receipts for:

    • Oil Fired furnace tune-up Feb. 2019

    • Septic pumping: Aug. 2018

    • Driveway re-build July 2019

    • Electrical mitigations from home inspection

  • Home energy expenses 2018 - 2019

  • List of local utilities & services w/ contact info and costs

  The following items will accompany the sale:      (Please refer to the photos)

  • Tall cabinet in the master bathroom

  • “Credenza” low cabinet that separates the dining and living rooms

  • “Old People’s Garden” in the back yard

  • Workbenches in the basement

  • Workbenches in the garage

  • Library area shelving

  • “Industrial Chic” shelving in the loft and ‘library’ areas

  • Approx. 2 ½ cords of dry, cut and split hardwood in the woodshed

  • A great amount of kindling as well.

  • Just under ½ tank of fuel oil

We have a ‘moving out’ plan:

    - We have downsized significantly.

    - We have an alternate place to live which is available immediately.

     “We can vacate the house by the time the paperwork is complete.”


How we established our listing price 

Our selling price listed at $249,500 is based on our most recent home appraisals completed in 2016 and 2009, while factoring in the steady increase in the home sales market and for the many improvements we have completed since these appraisals.  We arranged for an ‘unofficial’ appraisal in 2016 by a licensed appraiser who provided 15 comparables, some of which were nearly 50 miles away.  This is a rural county and finding comparables presents the greatest challenge, especially considering the unique, custom features of our home.  This appraiser suggested a range or $225,000 - $255,000 in 2016 and indicated that it “might sell as high as $290,000.”  We also had two official appraisals completed 10 years ago in 2009 which each showed a sales comp value of $240,000.  We believe our asking price is fair and that the “Zestimate” in Zillow does not have enough data to justify its estimated price.

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